Winter in Wartime
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Filmy
- Kategoria: Recenzje filmowe z Guardiana
A teenage boy helps battle the Nazis in wartime Holland in a watchable, if earnest, adventure yarn, writes Andrew Pulver
- Andrew Pulver
-, Thursday 11 February 2010
A Dutch-made Boys' Own adventure yarn, set during the winter of 1944 as Holland endured the Nazis' icy grip. Michiel, a fresh-faced 14-year-old, yearns to join the resistance, stumbles across an injured British airman in a wood outside of town, and has to dodge the Germans to get food and medicine to the fugitive. Apparently it was a big Christmas hit in the Netherlands, and is entirely well-meaning – but it's all a little staid. Kids these days may demand a little more edge.
apparently : widocznie
dodge : unikać
earnest : poważny, szczery
edge : tu: napięcie
endure : cierpieć, znosić
entirely : całkowicie
fugitive : zbieg, uchodźca
grip : uścisk, chwyt; władanie, kontrola
resistance : opór; ruch oporu
staid : stateczny, poważny
stumble across : natknąć się przypadkiem
yarn : opowieść
yearn : tęsknić do