Hell's Pavement

There are problems with Andy Kemp's directorial debut but far more subtlety and pessimism than you would anticipate, writes Catherine Shoard





Andy Kemp's directorial debut about a troubled teen negotiating the foster-care system is intended to show how well-intentioned people can do an awful lot of damage - with surprisingly successful, unsanctimonious results. Newcomer Keeki Bennetts, then elder sister Demi, plays Aimee, a spookily self-assured but self-harming girl removed from her mother's iffy care and placed with Pauline McLynn and husband Connor Byrne, who try valiantly to give her a supportive home. There are problems: the ice-age pacing, the small-screen ambition, the endless flutes, but far more subtlety and pessimism than you would anticipate.

anticipate - antycypować, przewidywać

flute - flet

foster-care - opieka zastępcza, dom zastępczy

iffy - niepewny, niezdecydowany

newcomer - przybysz, nowoprzybyły

pacing - tempo

self-assured - pewny siebie

spookily - strasznie, złowieszczo

subtlety - subtelność

unsanctimonious: sanctimonious - świętoszkowaty

valiantly - mężnie, dzielnie

well-intentioned - z najlepszymi zamiarami, z dobrą wolą

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